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'Solar’ is a series of experimental photographs by artist Laure Tiberghien (Paris, 1992), whose project prompts memories of an unfolding sunset or closed-eye hallucinations after looking at a bright light. Produced between March and April of 2020, these works were not developed with a camera, but by only using chemical products and different sources of light. It is exactly the exposure to light and these suggestive grading of colours what become the main topic here, and where other interesting themes arise—the passing of time and its impact, the play of chance, the burst of colour within darkness, or even the very origin of analog photography.

‘Solar’, la serie de fotografías experimentales de la artista Laure Tiberghien (Paris, 1992), nos recuerda a la evolución de una puesta de sol o a la visión borrosa que sufrimos tras contemplar una luz cegadora. Realizadas entre marzo y abril de 2020, estas obras se llevaron a cabo sin cámara, solamente con productos químicos y varias fuentes de luz. Es justamente la exposición lumínica la que cobra protagonismo en la obra: en esta sugerente cadencia de tonos surgen cuestiones como el impacto del paso del tiempo, la casualidad o azar, el estallido de color sobre el negro o el propio origen de fotografía analógica.